
Rainfall Prediction: The Central province is expected to receive up to 85 mm of fairly heavy rainfall from 9th- 15th Mar, while the North Western, North-Central, and Eastern provinces are expected to receive up to 55mm.

Monitored Rainfalls: Fairly heavy rainfall was experienced in the Eastern, Uva, Southern, Central & Sabaragamuwa provinces with a max of 72.5 mm in Inginiyagala on2nd Mar.

Monitored  Wind: From 28th Feb -6th Mar, up to 8m/s North easterlies were experienced over the island.

Monitored  Temperature: Sea surface temperatures were neutral around the entire island.

Climate Bulletin for Sri Lanka (Week of 11 Mar – 18 Mar 2022)
Climate Bulletin for Sri Lanka (Week of 11 Mar – 18 Mar 2022)



Rainfall: During the last two weeks, there had been heavy rainfall over the following province:
Eastern, Uva, Southern, Sabaragamuwa and Central.

Wind: Northeasterly winds prevailed in the sea area surrounding the island last week.

Temperatures: The temperature anomalies were below normal for the North-Central and North-Western provinces and near-neutral for the rest of the country, driven by the warm SST’s.


Rainfall: During the next week (9th – 15th March) fairly heavy rainfall is predicted for Central, North-Western, North Central and Eastern provinces.

Temperature : The temperature remains slightly above normal in the Northern and Western province during 11th – 19th March.


La Nina – The SST forecast indicates that La Niña is prevailing (with Negative Indian Ocean Dipole)through the Northern Hemisphere spring. MJO shall be active from 9th – 23rd March, giving slightly enhanced rainfall from 9th – 18th March; and neutral during 19th – 23th March for the entire island.

Seasonal Precipitation:

The precipitation forecast for the March-April-May season shows above-normal precipitation for the Northern and neutral the rest of the Island.

Terminology for Rainfall Ranges

Rainfall (During 24 hours of period)
Light ShowersLess than 12.5 mm
Light to ModerateBetween 12.5 mm and 25 mm
ModerateBetween 25 mm and 50 mm
Fairly HeavyBetween 50 mm and 100 mm
HeavyBetween 100 mm and 150 mm
Very HeavyMore than 150 mm