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Climate and its Change

State of the Art science driven understanding of the Climate, its history, its current conditions and predictions – weekly to longer term change.

Extreme Weather and Disasters

Understand of extreme weather and climate and its relationship to climate risk, vulnerability, and adaptation

Environment Degradation

Data, research, and advances in science, social science can help vulnerable communities understand risks, advocate for mitigation and cope with risks.

Federation for Environment, Climate and Technology

What we do

The Research and development we advance are essential for understanding of the climate, disaster and environment risks at fine scales locally – Social and technology issues around climate extremes,  climate change and environmental risks, vulnerability and resilience. are advanced to better customize adaptation and, mitigation options.

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To face the challenges from Climate, Disaster and Environmental Risks, we need to understand the risks at the fine spatial and temporal scales that matter to people. We develop such find scale information through assembling pertinent data, through modeling and diagnostics of climate at fine scales, and understanding the Impacts of, and Adaptation to, and Mitigation Options

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Federation for Environment, Climate and Technology
Governmental leaders and corporations are bequeathing existential climate and environmental risks to the young. Will the youth be able to understand, mobilize, and advocate to mitigate risks and adapt? For this, they need credible scientific and societal understanding, suitable technologies and communication tools.
Lareef Zubair
Ph.D (Yale), C. Engineer, Principal Scholar / Scientist / Engineer

Our Approach to Building Research and Technological Capacity

Access to Science, Social Science and Technologies needed to inform society of risks and options and should be available to the most Vulnerable and Marginalized. Given the scale of the problems, and the limits of our staff, affiliates, partners and volunteers, we have to be judicious in what problems that we work on. We work on pilot projects at specific locales while we develop data and information which is more broadly applicable.


To generate and use research for the benefits of the society and environment particularly the vulnerable


To sustain as a think tank and center of excellence in climate, environment and information technology with quality research to address societal concerns and ecological protection.

    • Focus on Environmental and Societal welfare, particularly the vulnerable.
    • Free dissemination of and accessibility to knowledge
    • State of the Art transparent research
    • Fostering staff development

Annual Results






Feedbackand Partners:

Federation for Environment, Climate and Technology


We are a small charitable, non-profit organization that believes in providing opportunity for the many rather than a lucrative engagement to a few. We provide for those who are seriously interested in starting a career in this work, and an opportunity for hard work growth and chances to contribute to the mission Our opportunities are in a range of disciplines – at present, we are looking for Interns and Consultants in English Writing, Accounts, Personal Assistants, Scientific Programmers and Quantitative and Physical Scientists and Technologists.

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Climate Bulletin for Sri Lanka (Week of 24...

Highlights Rainfall Prediction: Fairly heavy rainfall is predicted for the Western and Sabaragamuwa...
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Weekly Air Quality in Selected Towns of Sri...

The highest AQ values were recorded from the Colombo Pelawatte station this week while the second...
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Climate Bulletin for Sri Lanka (Week of 17...

Highlights Rainfall Prediction: Fairly heavy rainfall is predicted for the Western and Sabaragamuwa...
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Weekly Air Quality in Selected Towns of Sri...

The highest AQ values were recorded from the Colombo Pelawatte station this week while the second...
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Climate Bulletin for Sri Lanka (Week of 10...

Highlights Rainfall Prediction: Fairly heavy rainfall is predicted for the Western and Sabaragamuwa...
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Weekly Air Quality in Selected Towns of Sri...

The highest AQ values were recorded from the Colombo Pelawatte station this week while the second...
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The Federation for Environment, Climate, and Technology (FECT) is dedicated to developing usable social scientific, and technological data for societal well-being and environmental preservation.

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76/2 Matale Road, Akurana, KY 20850, Sri Lanka.

+94 81 230 0415+94 81 237 6746


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