FECT, 76/2 Matale Road, Akurana, KY 20850, Sri Lanka
+94 81 230 0415
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Federation for Environment, Climate and Technology


We have undertaken the following projects 
  • STEM Education and Capacity Building for Resources and Risk Management in Remote Outposts capitalizing on PEER projects on water, drought, and hazards: Gaafu Dhaalu Atoll in Southern Maldives (2018-2019)
  • Post-Graduate Course on Climate Change in South Asia (2013 – 2014)
  • Masters in Development Practice (MDP) at the University of Peradeniya (2009 – 2014)
  STEM Education and Capacity Building for Resources and Risk Management in Remote Outposts capitalizing on PEER projects on water, drought, and hazards: Gaafu Dhaalu Atoll in Southern Maldives (2018-2019) 

This project was initiated with the partnership of The Small Island Research Centre/Group (SIRC/G) and the Foundation for Environment, Climate and Technology (FECT) in the Fares-Maathoda and Thinadhoo islands in the Gaafu Dhaalu Atoll by the equatorial passage. The goal of this project was to develop STEM education in the Maldives by providing access to students to instrumentation, ICT systems and data in middle and high schools. Based on the suggestion of our PEER program manager (Dr. Dalal Najib), we proposed to support Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) learning in the remote island schools in Southern Maldives. STEM refers to four disciplines Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. The initiative on STEM Education integrates these disciplines into a cohesive learning paradigm based on real-world applications. It focuses on practical work reaching the students who lack exposure to these disciplines.We were able to prepare instruments and documentation and trialing procedures were undertaken. After obtaining permission to work with the Gaafu Dhaalu Atoll Education Centre and Huvadhoo School, discussions were held with the principals, teachers to plan project implementation.

This project was sponsored by Partnerships for Enhanced Engagement in Research, undertaken by the US National Academy of Sciences with the support of USAID.Post-Graduate Course on Climate Change in South Asia (2013 -2014)The Post Graduate course Climate Change in South Asia was developed with the support of FECT and the University of Peradeniya. This course was taught by Dr. Lareef Zubair Principal Scientist at FECT during the third semester of the MDP Program at University of Peradeniya. The goal of the course was to provide a basic understanding of the components of the global climate system and relate it to seasonal and regional variation of climate in South Asia. In addition, we addressed the climate impacts, vulnerability, adaptation, mitigation and resource management and policy responses to climate variability and climate change. Practical exercises were provided so that students from different backgrounds can undertake related analysis.Masters in Development Practice (MDP) at the University of Peradeniya (2009 – 2014)

The Masters in Development Practice was launched by the University of Peradeniya in collaboration with FECT, Columbia University, Open University and other educational institutions. The program was focused on Coastal Regions and Tropical Islands, Millennium Development Goals and Poverty Measurement and Analysis, Climate Change in South Asia and Technology for Sustainable Development. The courses were taught by lecturers and professionals from different disciplines. The program was conducted at the University of Peradeniya. FECT was engaged in curriculum development, teaching, research and field placements for the MDP program. We also undertook research projects and capacity development in Sri Lanka and Maldives. This project was funded by MacArthur Foundation, USA as a node in a global network of 22 universities that are offering MDP. 


The Federation for Environment, Climate, and Technology (FECT) is dedicated to developing usable social scientific, and technological data for societal well-being and environmental preservation.

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76/2 Matale Road, Akurana, KY 20850, Sri Lanka.

+94 81 230 0415+94 81 237 6746



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