To generate and use research and knowledge for the benefit of society and environment particularly the vulnerable
To sustain a think tank and centre of excellence in climate, environment, disasters (CED) and information technologies with quality research to address societal concerns and ecological protection.
The Federation for Environment, Climate, and Technology (FECT) is a group of 7 organizations and two affiliated groups dedicated to developing usable social scientific and technology data for societal well-being and environmental preservation. These seven organizations are registered in four countries and work in substantively in seven. FECT brings together 31 scientists whose activities cover some of the Indian Ocean Islands (Sri Lanka, Maldives, Comoros, Zanzibar, and Chagos) and its littoral (Tanzania, Botswana, India, Thailand) over the past 25 years.
Water resources and River-basins
Plantation and Food Agriculture
Malaria, Dengue & Health
Disasters, Hazards, Vulnerability and Resilience
Energy, Air quality, and Health
Marine and Coastal Matters
Environment Quality – Air, Land and Water
Renewable Energy, Conservation and Transitions
Climate, Environment and Societal Impacts
Mitigation of Air Pollution and Climate Change
Climatic diagnostics, modeling and prediction
Hydro-climatic diagnostics, modeling and prediction
Extreme Weather Event and Disaster Risk Analysis
Geospatiotemporal analysis and Climate/Geo-Informatics
Hazard Early Warning System
Climate Policy, Justice, Equity and Governance
Ph.D (Yale), C. Engineer, Principal Scholar / Scientist / Engineer
To research Environment, Social, Economic, Health, Engineering and Disasters for societal welfare without private profit
We contribute to climate, hydrology, adaptation, information technology, social sciences and engineering for sustainable development.
We started our formal collaboration in 2000 with a small grant from the International Research Institute for Climate Prediction (IRI) to the Mahaweli Authority of Sri Lanka for developing seasonal climate predictions for water management. After the initial 18-month project, we kept going as we were granted additional projects on human-elephant conflict, disaster risk and plantations to form a program and we set up the non-profit called Foundation for Environment, Climate and Technology in 2003. FECT has sustained itself for 18 years now.
Over the last 25 years, in a modest way in relation to the societal and environmental challenges, we have built up the research infrastructure, built a track record of research contributions, set 100 young researchers and professionals on a track for excellence, and built up a network of international and local collaborators and supporters. FECT as an institution has proven its capacity and resilience to meet the challenges, has catalyzed action, supported other researchers, community activists, and local government. Yet, the societal needs that prompted our turn to climate and managing its impacts have only become direr. We have expanded our engagement to working directly with local communities and local government organizations as demonstrations and communication to key individuals’ and through social media.
When you work at FECT, you become part of a community dedicated to addressing the world’s most pressing environmental and climate issues with a focus on the local. You are surrounded by a culture of possibilities, where ideas can spread and benefit communities all over the Indian Ocean. We are empowering our staff to work, in ways that enhances their productivity, and leads ultimately to their career advancement, and overall well-being while also contributing to organizational success. We prefer to give opportunity for the many rather lucrative income for the few.
Digana Village, Rajawella, KY20180, Sri Lanka.
76/2 Matale Road, Akurana, KY 20850, Sri Lanka.
+94 81 230 0415
+94 81 237 6746
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