FECT, 76/2 Matale Road, Akurana, KY 20850, Sri Lanka
+94 81 230 0415
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Federation for Environment, Climate and Technology


Water Resources has an intimate link with climate via the hydrological cycle. Yet until a few years back, water managers have made little use of the predictability of climate and the understanding of variability. We explored the usability of climate information and predictions for water resource and river basin management. 

We have undertaken the following projects. 

  • Workshop on Climate and Water Security in the Maldives (2015)
  • Symposium: River Basin &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspManagement in a Small Tributary of the Mahaweli - Pinga &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspOya (2013-2016, ongoing interventions)
  • Intra-Seasonal Climate Predictions for Sri-Lanka and Maldives for Water Resources Management (2012-2016 ) 
  • Assessing Predictability of Seasonal Rainfall in the Kelani River Basin in Sri Lanka &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp(2004-2006)
  • River Basin Management in the Mahaweli (2000-2004)
  Workshop on Climate and Water Security in the Maldives (2015)

This is a one day workshop which was organized by FECT and MNU on the 13th of September 2015. The overall goal of this workshop was to bring together expertise on climate and water and to review the state of knowledge, and to identify research priorities and educational needs. The presentations focused on the sustainability of water resource management, climate and water resources linkages, climate monitoring and predictions for water management, the Climate Advisory for Maldives, and lessons learned from ongoing programmes and projects. Details of USAID’s work in Maldives related to the environment and ongoing PEER project were also discussed. 

    Symposium: River Basin Management in a Small Tributary of the Mahaweli - Pinga Oya (2013-2016, ongoing interventions) 

The goals of the symposium were to gather authoritative and comprehensive information on the Pinga Oya (PO). Participants included researchers from the disciplines, academics, teachers, students, women’s groups, local policy makers & a local media organization. The symposium provided a forum for academics from multiple disciplines and helped identify avenues for research priorities and for convenient access to the body of research education, local governance, and civic groups. This project was co-sponsored by the Dept of Geography at the University of Peradeniya. The symposium was supported by the USAID grant provided by the PEER program of the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) and the Government of Sri Lanka and Maldives. 

  Intra-Seasonal Climate Predictions for Sri-Lanka and Maldives for Water Resources Management (2012-2016 ) 

The overall goal of the project promoted better understanding of intra-seasonal variability of rainfall around Sri Lanka and Maldives, refine prediction schemes, translate this information to support water management, and upgrade local capacity for climate science and climate services. This project was done in collaboration with the University of Peradeniya, Mahaweli Authority of Sri Lanka (MASL), Malé Water and Sewerage Company (MWSC) and Maldives Meteorological Service (MMS). It was sponsored under the PEER program of the US National Academy of Sciences and USAID program in Sri Lanka and Maldives.

  Assessing Predictability of Seasonal Rainfall in the Kelani River Basin in Sri Lanka (2005-2006)

We investigated the improvement in skill obtained in predicting the stream flow in the Kelani River by using factors such as sea surface temperature indices. This effort was funded by the International Foundation for Science, Sweden. 

  River Basin Management in the Mahaweli (2000-2004)

We collaborated with the Mahaweli Authority of Sri Lanka (MASL) and the International Research Institute for climate and society (IRI) to explore the use of climate information for river basin management. We also worked with the Irrigation Department, the Ministry of Water Resources and the NASA Global Modeling and Assimilation Office. We have studied climatic tele-connections with rainfall and streamflow, investigated drought and flood indices, and the applicability of climate information for agricultural, water resources, environmental and disaster management at basin level. We provided weekly updates on hydro-meteorological monitoring and predictions to the MASL.
