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Climate Bulletin for Sri Lanka (Week of 12 April – 19 April 2024)
Rainfall Prediction: High likelihood of fairly heavy rainfall (50 – 100mm) is predicted for the Southern, Sabaragamuwa, Uva, Western, Eastern, Central and North Western provinces and moderate rainfall (≤ 35mm) is predicted for the rest during 9-15 April.
Monitored Rainfall: On average, only 3/5 of the expected rainfall was received over the country during 10 Mar – 8 April. Average rainfall for SL was 2.4mm and for the hydro-catchment areas was 3.6mm.
Monitored and Predicted Wind: Winds at 850mb (1.5 km) were easterly from 31 Mar – 6 April reaching up to 3m/s. Winds at 850mb (1.5 km) are predicted easterly from 10 – 16 Apr reaching up to 6m/s.
Monitored Sea and Land Temperature: Average land surface temperature was 33.8°C in the last week and warmer anomalies of +1-3°C were higher in the Western slopes and coast compared to the Eastern and Northern regions. Sea surface temperature around Sri Lanka was 0.5 – 1.5°C above normal.
Rainfall: During the last two weeks, there had been very heavy rainfall over the following area: Ratnapura.
Daily Average Rainfall in the Met stations for previous week of (2nd April – 9th April) = 2.4 mm
Maximum Daily Rainfall: 121.7 mm & Minimum Daily Rainfall: 0.0 mm.
Wind: Easterly winds prevailed in the sea area and around the island last week.
Temperatures: The temperature anomalies were above normal for some parts of the North Western, Sabaragamuwa, Western, and Central provinces of the country, driven by the warm SST’s.
Rainfall: During the next week (9th April – 15th April), fairly heavy rainfall (50 – 100mm) is predicted for the Southern, Sabaragamuwa, Uva, Western, Eastern, Central, and North Western provinces and moderate rainfall (≤ 35mm) is predicted for the rest.
Temperatures: The temperature will remain above normal for some parts of the Northern, North Western, North Central, Uva, and Western provinces during 10th – 16th April.
Teleconnections: MJO shall slightly enhance the rainfall during 9th – 13th April, near neutral the rainfall during 14th – 18th April, and slightly suppress the rainfall during 19th – 23rd April for Sri Lanka.
Seasonal Precipitation: The precipitation forecast for the April-May-June, 2024 season shows a 40 – 50% tendency toward above normal precipitation for the country.
Terminology for Rainfall Ranges
Rainfall | |
Light Showers | Less than 12.5 mm |
Light to Moderate | Between 12.5 mm and 25 mm |
Moderate | Between 25 mm and 50 mm |
Fairly Heavy | Between 50 mm and 100 mm |
Heavy | Between 100 mm and 150 mm |
Very Heavy | More than 150 mm |